Hannah Dreblow
Bob Patton
Bev Drost
Ryan Longmire
Lori Price
Toni Sims
Alex Allyne
Mary Margaret Brotherton
Jenessa Stringer
Delaney Taubel
Alyssa Jackson
Laurie Alexander
Kevin Ardt
David Gill
PeeWee Halsell
Larry Powers
Jeff Reynolds
Gretchen Rupp
Derrick Scheid
Steve & Tami Barke
Chi Alpha — Washington State University Purpose: Chi Alpha@WSU is committed to being a Spirit-filled Community on WSU’s campus that is devoted to Christ and His mission to make disciples of university students. Prayer Points:…
Khumbo & Leisa Banda
Chi Alpha — Columbus State University in Georgia Purpose: I’m doing campus ministry work on the campus of Columbus State University, loving to teach and disciple students into following Jesus with their lives!! I work with Chi…
Christian & Ramona Anderson
Chi Alpha — Oregon State University Purpose: We make disciples by reaching and training university students for Christ to spiritually transform the state of Oregon for the gospel. Prayer…
Berly & Jamie Bello
AGWM — Dominican Republic Purpose: Church planters in Santo Domingo and University and Next Gen Ministry Directors for the Assemblies of God in the Dominican Republic. Prayer Points: Finish raising budget in order to return to the DR…
Ben & Elizabeth Bothwell
Chi Alpha — Bellevue College Purpose: We reconcile Bellevue College students to Christ, equipping them through a Spirit-Filled community of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and…