Ministries We Support (Page 2)

Ministries We Support (Page 2)

Steve & Tami Barke

Chi Alpha — Washington State University Purpose: Chi Alpha@WSU is committed to being a Spirit-filled Community on WSU’s campus that is devoted to Christ and His mission to make disciples of university students. Prayer Points:…

Khumbo & Leisa Banda

Chi Alpha — Columbus State University in Georgia Purpose: I’m doing campus ministry work on the campus of Columbus State University, loving to teach and disciple students into following Jesus with their lives!! I work with Chi…

Christian & Ramona Anderson

Chi Alpha — Oregon State University Purpose: We make disciples by reaching and training university students for Christ to spiritually transform the state of Oregon for the gospel. Prayer…

Berly & Jamie Bello

AGWM — Dominican Republic Purpose: Church planters in Santo Domingo and University and Next Gen Ministry Directors for the Assemblies of God in the Dominican Republic. Prayer Points: Finish raising budget in order to return to the DR…

Ben & Elizabeth Bothwell

Chi Alpha — Bellevue College Purpose: We reconcile Bellevue College students to Christ, equipping them through a Spirit-Filled community of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and…
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