Launching Christ-centered social-impact initiatives and enterprises

Launching Christ-centered social-impact initiatives and enterprises

Welcome to the Hub of Hope
Information Center


The mission of the Hub of Hope is to help launch Christ-centered social-impact initiatives and enterprises. The God-inspired ideas come from you; and if they are a good fit with us, are mentored, supported by the Hub of Hope Team at Hillcrest Church.

On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions, the step-by-step instructions and resources needed to get any dreamer started. And when you are ready, the application for the Hub of Hope Launch Team to come alongside you and help launch your God-inspired idea.

We are believing for a grand new season of Christian enterprises, initiatives, events and ministries to bring help and hope to the world! You are invited to start dreaming with us!

Check out the latest video from someone in the process: Family Quest

First Steps

START your journey here.
As we walk you through the first three steps in the process


Before starting the application, make sure you read the First Steps section on this page. Then, when you are ready, set aside at least 30-40 minutes to do a good job filling out this application. We are excited to hear from you!


In this section we are compiling an ever-growing list of resources to help you dream, think, and plan your God-inspired idea. 

The Hub of Hope Team

Is made up from experienced business leaders, entrepreneurs, and pastoral staff in the community at Hillcrest Church. Together, this team is dedicated to investing the time and energy it takes to help you launch the next great, God-inspired,  Jesus-centered, social impact enterprise or initiative.

  • Ed Chatterton – professor, prayer warrior
  • Brandon DeCuir – Serial entrepreneur and business development professional
  • Heidi Hull – entrepreneur and business owner
  • Christian Lindbeck – lead pastor
  • Matt Mullett – entrepreneur, CEO
  • Rob Takemura  – business executive, process professional

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Hub of Hope Launch Team give out money?

Yes. But, any financial investment springs out of a developed relationship and a solid business plan. The Launch Team begins by listening and then offering encouragement, advice, and connections to people. If we decide to partner with you, then all kinds of support including financial support are on the table. The HoH Launch Team has resources to invest in the right ideas. If you’d like to support the Hub of Hope Initiative, please donate at at our Online Giving Portal HERE.

Does the Hub of Hope support FOR PROFIT enterprise?

Yes. But we admit a clear bias toward initiates and enterprises that seek to run lean and help people see Jesus. 

Do I have to attended Hillcrest Church to apply?

No. But we admit a  bias toward activating the ideas of the people connected to our community. Folks who make Hillcrest their home will get top priority, followed by family members and friends of congregants, and then Bellingham residents. 

How often does the HoH Launch Team listen to new ideas?

The HoH LT meets every month except December and July. Once we receive your application, we will schedule you for the next available opportunity!

Do I have to complete the SPiN Workbook to apply?

No. You do not have to complete it, but we would like to you to review it and be prepared to answer some questions about where you are at in the process. If you don’t think it fits your idea, or you need help, please contact us and we will talk it through with you.

What level of commitment will this be for me?

As much as you like. This is about the HoH Launch Team committing to you. If we decide to partner with you, then we will assign a contact person and enjoy regular updates and thresholds. If we finally invest, then we will expect a business plan and regular non-burdensome progress reports.  We are here to help YOU. 

Contact the HoH Launch Team 

Ask a question or follow up with a Launch Team member. 

Contact the team:

11 + 15 =

(360) 733-8400

1400 Larrabee Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225

First Steps

  • STEP ONE:  If you have not put in much time yet, begin by sitting down to think through your idea. What is it? What would you like this idea to accomplish? What are the hoped for outcomes of this God idea coming to fruition. Now, ask yourself some good initial questions:
    • What hurdles are in the way? During this phase of ideation, just let thoughts free flow onto paper. It is good to let your imagination run free and write it down.
    • Are any of these hurdles insurmountable?  Does this idea have a fatal flaw?
    • Are you the right leader or do you have the right team? It’s okay to feel smaller than the task (maybe even wise). You simply need to determine if God is calling you to it and you really want to do it.
    • If you have answered these questions – hooray! Here are some good follow-up questions:
      • How much time will this take?
      • Can I commit the kind of time needed?
  • STEP TWO:  If you are still saying yes to this idea while being honest about the work, then you are ready for phase two and more questions:
    • Is anybody else doing this? Research the answer. This is sometimes called a “landscape study.” It’s how you get a good sense for the lay of the land around you.
    • What can you learn from these other programs?
      • What are they doing great?
      • What don’t you like?
      • Can you talk to somebody there?
      • Are there partnerships available?
  • STEP THREE: Meeting with the Hub of Hope Launch Team!
    • To get ready, we would like you to review THIS document from the Washington Non-Profit Institute. It’s called the SPiN workbook and it’s extremely helpful for identifying where you are at in your process, as well as helping you lay a strong strategic foundation for the future. You don’t have to complete this workbook, but do read it. It generates appreciation for the scale and scope of launching a new enterprise idea. The SPiN workbook is complemented by many additional resources on their website at:
      • IF you feel like the SPiN workbook is a bit much for your idea or you would like a mentor guide to help you think about it, please use the contact form on this page to send us a note and we will happily talk it through with you.
    • Once you have spent some time with the SPiN workbook (or determined with us it’s not necessary) and wrestled with the questions above, you are ready to meet with the Hub of Hope Launch Team! Look for the application at the top of this page!

We are excited to meet you and hear about your Jesus-centered idea and perhaps partner with you to bring it to fruition!


The Hub of Hope Launch Team


Meet the Team!

Matt Mullett

Rob Takemura

Christian Lindbeck 

Christopher Brown 

Heidi Hull 

Brandon DeCuir

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