Good afternoon Hillcrest family,
Last Sunday I preached a message on the incredible value and inherent dangers of that little piece of marvelous technology in our pockets – the ubiquitous smart phone. During that message, I mentioned some of the great ways these devices can be used to grow our faith and advance the mission of Jesus. You can check out the message HERE.
My intent is not to make an exhaustive list, but just talk about some of the apps I use or have taken note of. And then hopefully open the door to other recommendations from YOU.
So here we go – step one to turn your smartphone into a useful Christian device!
Logos Bible by Faithlife – Not only is this a Bellingham local, but this is my go-to resource and Bible App. MOST of the resources I use for study or devotion are stored here. I have the Logos 7 Silver package and I could not recommend it more for the serious Bible student. But if you just want to get started – the Bible App is free, and has a good Audio ESV available.
- iPhone:
- Android:
Bible in a Year by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel from HTB in London. I love this app. I have used it three years straight. Each day, Nicky ties an Old Testament Reading, a New Testament Reading, and a Psalm all under a central devotional thought. He and Pippa are thoughtful, theological, and inspiring. Plus the Bible reader is just epic. Everything sounds better is a deep English accent. If you have wanted to be guided through the Bible in One Year – I highly recommend this app.
YouVersion Bible is the world’s largest Bible app. I don’t use it, but I know it is GOOD!
Amazing Grace: 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions – available on Logos by Faith life. This devotional has been an awesome addition to each day. First thing in the morning I study the background of the hymn, and then I pull it up on YouTube, find a version I like, and get myself singing it all day. You will be blessed by storing these proven hymns of Scripture in your heart and mind.
Got Questions?
With this app you have access to thoughtful, Biblical responses to more than 5,000 questions. It is organized by topic, has a built-in search, and you can bookmark articles for quick access.
This is from the apologetics POWERHOUSE Ravi Zacharias. RZIM is his international apologetics ministry, and this app contains two radio broadcasts: Let My People Think and Just Thinking. It also includes videos of Ravi’s talks as well as blog posts and their newsletter publication, A Slice of Infinity.
- iPhone:
- Android:
God Tools
This is a POWERFUL app developed by Campus Crusade for Christ to help you share and defend your faith. Their mission is for YOU to be equipped to easily share your faith using some of the most effective evangelistic tools right on your phone.
Have a hard time crossing over into conversations that might help you share your faith? Voke is a video sharing app that kick-starts deeper conversations that matter with cool and compelling video complemented with easy discussion tools. This must be part of the future of relational evangelism
Is a Christian crowdsourcing app! How cool is that?! You can advance the cause of Christ by believing in others or getting something started yourself. GIVESENDGO is a place to fund hope. A place to pray and connect with the body of Christ around the world. A place not only to raise money, but a rallying point for Givers, Senders, and Goers to work together to be the light of the world.
Blessings! And please add YOUR recommendations below!
Christian Lindbeck